The Philippine Space Agency Space Security Technologies Division (PhilSA SSTD), through its Pagsasanay para sa Kalawakan program, conducted an artificial intelligence (AI) training for the Philippine National Police (PNP), Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), and National Coast Watch Center (NCWC) from 31 March 2022 to 07 July 2022.

The “Introduction to AI Training Series,” held in virtual format, provided the participants with a deeper understanding of AI and how it can be applied to public safety and security.  The training modules contained the various space technology applications relevant to the mandate and operations of the country’s security sector. 

  • The participants and organizers of the “Introduction to AI Training Series” during the virtual closing ceremonies on 07 July 2022.
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“This training series deals with the use of Artificial Intelligence particularly for Image Processing. One use-case of AI for satellite imagery for security applications is for Object Detection. AI-enabled Object Detection allows objects to be detected and tracked, such as ships, aircraft, vehicles etc., thus helps for overall monitoring and situational awareness. Moreover, AI technology is not limited to satellite imagery but can also be applied to other surveillance platforms such as cameras and drone imagery and can also be used for other applications such as facial recognition. Even after this training, PhilSA will continue to support our security sector to sustainably apply the tools and concepts of AI and space technology in their work,” SSTD Chief Science Research Specialist Engr. Edgar Paolo Violan said.

Participants of the AI training series were expected to gain an understanding of AI, machine learning, and deep learning and how it can be used in security applications.

This partnership between PhilSA and the PNP, PCG, and NCWC also paves the way for future collaboration activities. Dr. Marc Caesar R. Talampas, Officer-In-Charge of the PhilSA Space Industry and Strategic Business Development Bureau (SISBDB) and Director of Space Technology Missions and Systems Bureau (STMSB) stressed the importance of this relationship:  “It’s my hope that the PNP, NCWC, and the PCG will continually guide PhilSA as we navigate our way in identifying key challenges in security and defense that could be addressed through the use of space technologies and solutions.”

Among PhilSA’s mandates under RA 11363, or the “Philippine Space Act,” is to strengthen public access and resource sharing by assisting departments and other agencies of the government in the performance of their duties through the utilization of space science and technology applications (SSTA) and mobilization of space data.  The AI training is one of PhilSA’s various efforts in supporting the development, application, and utilization of SSTA to accelerate social progress and promote national security for the benefit of every Filipino.

The PhilSA SSTD provides relevant space science & technology and applications (SSTA) training, capacity-building, and techno-scientific support with the objective of promoting resource sharing and access to emergent space capabilities of the country. The Pagsasanay para sa Kalawakan program is the SSTD’s space technology capacity-building initiative that envisions a security sector that is highly capable, well-versed in space technology and its applications, and a vital contributor to the Philippine space ecosystem in the future.

In 2021, PhilSA also conducted an AI training program series with the Naval Research and Technology Development Center (NRTDC) and the Philippine Air Force Research and Development Center (AFRDC).