03 JUNE 2022 | 11 AM – 1 PM CET | VIA INTERPREFY
delivered by
Mr. Chair,
Since this is the first time our delegation is taking the floor for this Session, the Philippines wishes to congratulate you on your election as Chair of this esteemed Committee. We are delighted that the Chair of COPUOS for 2022-2023 is from the Asia-Pacific States. In this regard, you can be assured of our full support and active participation in the proceedings of the Committee.
Our delegation would also like to thank Mr. Marius-Ioan Piso of Romania for his leadership and exceptional work in Chairing this Committee, as well as the UNOOSA Secretariat, headed by Acting Director Mr. Niklas Hedman, for their excellent preparations.
Mr. Chair,
The Philippines would like to make a statement on the following matters in its national capacity:
On item 6 on ways and means of maintaining outer space for peaceful purposes, we reaffirm the Committee’s unique role as the only United Nations platform with the mandate to discuss and address issues and developments in the peaceful uses of outer space, recognizing the enabling role of international cooperation in this objective.
In this regard and with respect to the reports of the STSC and the LSC, we express our support for the Working Group on the Long-Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities and the Working Group on the Legal Aspects of Space Resource Activities. We believe that their work will provide much needed guidance in the conduct of space activities as the space environment continues to rapidly grow and evolve.
Our delegation would also like to emphasize the importance of ensuring that the exchange of views and outcomes arising from these two working groups, within the Committee, as well as in its two subcommittees are as inclusive as possible, and should take into consideration the varying needs, requirements, and degrees of economic and scientific development of each State, especially of developing countries.
In support of this important agenda, our delegation wishes to express its support and welcomes the membership of Guatemala and Uzbekistan to the Committee.
Mr. Chair,
The Philippines welcomes with great pleasure the General Assembly’s decision to adopt the Space2030 Agenda, which highlights the role of the peaceful uses of outer space in achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the Paris Agreement.
In this context, the Philippines highlights the importance of ensuring that opportunities for capacity-building and international cooperation continue to be available to assist all States, especially developing countries, in implementing both legally and non-legally binding instruments in outer space, to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals through space, and to address global challenges such as COVID-19 and climate change.
Our delegation also stresses the importance of a holistic approach to achieve our shared goals. Thus, with regard to the future role and method of work of the Committee, we encourage the Committee and the Secretariat to continue initiatives and to study ways that enable closer coordination and engagement on the work of the two Subcommittees, and with bodies that are closely interlinked to its mandate, such as other UN bodies and other international organizations, when applicable. This will ensure coordinated, relevant, and timely resolution to cross-cutting issues such as space debris mitigation, space traffic management, space and global health, space and climate change, long-term sustainability of outer space, space resources, and on matters relating to the geostationary orbit to name a few.
Under the prevailing circumstances and moving forward, we also encourage the Secretariat and the Committee to continue to take advantage of digital platforms available to us in the conduct of our work. We support the continued use of the webcast during appropriate meetings in plenary to encourage wider participation, improve public access, and promote awareness and support for the important work of the Committee.
In closing, Mr. Chair, the Philippines reaffirms its commitment to preserve the peaceful, responsible, and sustainable use of outer space for the benefit of all humanity and as a matter of national importance.
Thank you very much.

Mr. Kritzman Caballero, Chief of the Space International Cooperation Division, delivering the Philippines’ Statement on Agenda No. 5, “General Exchange of Views”