Philippine Standard Time

Friday 14th of February 2025

Expanding CubeSat Research and Development Efforts in Philippine Universities Initiative (ECRADLE)


The “Expanding CubeSat Research and Development Efforts in Philippine Universities” Initiative, or ECRADLE, aims to promote the expansion of nanosatellite R&D activities in the academe, leveraging the momentum gained through efforts of the STEP-UP Project, STAMINA4Space Program of DOST and UP Diliman. Towards this goal, PhilSA shall play an initiatory leading role, providing a venue whereby Philippine universities collaborate, contribute / share innovative ideas and realize them, in a nanosatellite project. Specifically, this initiative pursues the following objectives:

  • To provide a platform that encourages and enables Philippine universities to participate in nanosatellite R&D activities
  • To foster and strengthen PhilSA-academe and inter-university nanosatellite R&D collaborations that facilitate that fruitful exchange of ideas
  • To transfer know-how on nanosatellite design and development to Philippine universities.

To achieve these objectives, ECRADLE will pursue the following strategic activities / actions within this year (2022):

  • Organize and deliver a CubeSat Design and Development Workshop for participants from Philippine universities
  • Organize a Mission Idea Contest (RMIC) - an open call & competition for universities to submit a proposal for an innovative bus / mission module for possible implementation / integration into the ACCESS Nanosat Project’s 2U CubeSat.
  • Provide best effort technical/information support on the BIRDS open source CubeSat bus
Program Updates

Nanosat Mission Idea Contest 2022

by Philippine Space Agency on 25 August 2022

Be part of the next Philippine nanosatellites’ missions! Students, researchers, and faculty members from Philippine universities and colleges are invited to join the Philippine Space Agency’s 2022 Nanosat Mission Idea Contest.  The competition aims to provide the academic community a chance to propose mission ideas for the nanosatellite that will be designed, developed, built, launched, […]

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STAMINA4Space, PhilSA conduct CubeSat design lectures for Ph universities

by Philippine Space Agency, STAMINA4Space Program on 7 July 2022

To foster an exchange of know-how and experiences on nanosatellite development, 12 universities from all over the country convened for the recently concluded SE4E: Space Education for Educators – CubeSat Design & Development Web Series held from 13 June to 01 July 2022. Participating universities include: Batangas State University, University of Southern Mindanao, Mindanao State […]

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