Philippine Standard Time

Thursday 13th of March 2025

03:29:59 PM

Data Allocation and Operational Information (DALOI)


The Data Allocation and Operational Information project aims to streamline activities related to data which include distribution, consultations, and management of space data. Data accessibility enhances research and innovation, providing individuals with the necessary data to conduct robust and replicable studies, fostering collaboration across disciplines, and driving technological advancements.

Who can request?

  • Public research and development institutions (e.g., schools and universities)
  • National and local government agencies/units
  • Private entities via collaboration with public institutions

Data Use Policy

Our data use policy will be governed by an End User License Agreement (EULA) to ensure proper usage and compliance with legal standards.

Program Updates

PhilSA to boost capacity of LGUs, researchers, civil society in using space data

by Philippine Space Agency on 23 June 2022

The Philippine Space Agency has started the pre-implementation of a new project designed to capacitate and enable various sectors to sustainably access and use space data according to their needs. The project, named PINAS, which stands for PhilSA Integrated Network for Space-Enabled Actions towards Sustainability, will be implemented by the PhilSA Space Information Infrastructure Bureau […]

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Request, Review, and Approval Process
Below is the procedure for geospatial (satellite, drone, ground, derived) data request. See also,

Note: The data preparation days applies to each 1,000 of the Area of Interest (AOI). Larger or multiple AOIs will require additional processing time, depending on the requested image specifications, weather conditions, and available satellite passes, which may affect the speed of data preparation and delivery.

Inquiry, consultation, request are received through any of the following:

  • PhilSA Data Request Form
  • Formal request endorsed by agency/unit head address to:

    ARIEL C. BLANCO Dr. Eng.
    Director IV
    Space Information and Infrastructure Bureau (SIIB)

    The request should include the following:

    1. Purpose
    2. Area of Interest
    3. Type of Data
    4. Data of Capture
    5. Resolution, etc.

    Send to

    Delivery of data is through:

    • Cloud Sharing or
    • USBs or HDDs
Types of Data Available
Document/ Manuals
  1. End-user License Agreement
  2. Open-source Satellite Image Access and Visualization in QGIS
Access Open Data