Philippine Standard Time

Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

About PhilSA

Philippine Space Agency

About PhilSA

The Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA) is the central government agency addressing all national issues and activities related to space S&T applications. Created under Republic Act No. 11363 or the Philippine Space Act, the PhilSA is an attached agency of the Office of the President for purposes of policy and program coordination, and to ensure alignment in national policies and priorities. The following policy declarations of the State underpin the mandate and function of PhilSA as the national space agency:

  • - To safeguard Philippine sovereignty, territorial integrity, Philippine interest, and the right to self-determination as mandated by Article II, Section 7 of the 1987 Constitution;
  • - To support and commit to the development, application and utilization of science and technology (S&T) that will foster patriotism and nationalism and accelerate social progress, such as the development of space technology and applications for its security and for the benefit of its citizens;
  • - To ensure access to space and its environs as a sovereign right in the promotion of national security towards the attainment and protection of national interest;
  • - To recognize that there is an urgent need to create a coherent and unified strategy for space development and utilization to keep up with other nations in terms of space S&T;
  • - To ensure that the Philippines has official representation in the international space community for establishing cooperation agreements and linkages on space development; and
  • - To ensure that the Philippines abides by the various international space treaties and principles promulgated by the United Nations and is an active participant in the international space community, including international rules and procedures concerning the Outer Space Treaty and Liability Convention, among others.

The PhilSA is headed by a Director General (DG) with the rank of a Cabinet Secretary and who also serves as the Presidential Adviser on Space Matters. The DG is assisted by three (3) Deputy Directors General with the rank of a Department Undersecretary.

Our Mandate

Republic Act 11363 “Philippine Space Act”

The Philippine Republic Act 11363 was signed on 08 August 2019: “An Act Establishing the Philippine Space Development and Utilization Policy and Creating the Philippine Space Agency,( and for other Purpose). Also known as the Philippine Space Act, it mandates the Philippine Space Agency to be the primary policy, planning, coordinating, implementing, and administrative entity of the Executive Branch of the government that will plan, develop, and promote the national space program in line with the Philippine Space Policy.

Key Development Areas
National Security & Development
The Philippines will focus on space applications that can preserve and enhance the country's national security and promote development that is beneficial to all Filipinos.
Hazard Management & Climate Studies
The Philippines will develop and utilize space S&T applications to enhance its hazard management and disaster mitigation strategy as well as ensure the nation's resiliency to climate change.
Space Research & Development
To spur rapid scientific growth, the Philippines will focus on conducting research and development (R&D) endeavors in vital areas of space science, technology and allied fields.
Space Industry and Capacity Building
The Philippines will create a robust and thriving space industry to support the country's space program through private sector involvement and cooperation.
Space Education & Awareness
The Philippines aims to establish a pool of trained space scientists, engineers and communicators that will be critical for the country's future space program and increasing public awareness on its value and benefits.
International Cooperation
Through international partnerships and collaborations, the Philippines will become a key player in the Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) and global space community by providing significant contributions and capabilities on space S&T applications.
Strategic Directions
Spur scientific growth that fosters patriotism and accelerates national progress.
Promote improved public access and resource-sharing for the utilization of spaceborne data, space-enabled services and space-related facilities.
Accelerate the transfer and diffusion of space technologies and knowhow throughout Philippine society towards developing a robust and vibrant local space industry and economy.
Create a coherent and unified strategy for the development, utilization and promotion of Space Science and Technology Applications (SSTA) in line with the Philippine Space Policy.
Enhance the Philippines’ official representation and contribution in the international space community for establishing cooperation.

Powers and Functions

The PhilSA shall exercise the following powers and functions:

  • I. Policy, Planning and Coordination
    • (a) Assist the State in the creation, development and implementation of national and international space policies;
    • (b) Plan, direct, manage and implement programs and projects relating to scientific space R&D and the application of space technology;
    • (c) Take hold of money, securities or other personal or movable property by gift or bequest and expend, administer or dispose of any such money, securities or property subject to the terms, if any, on which the gift or bequest was made in such manner as shall best promote the PhilSA’s objectives;
    • (d) Implement the Philippine Space Development and Utilization Policy;
    • (e) Coordinate all space activities of various sectors and stakeholders in the Philippines, in accordance with existing laws; and
    • (f) Provide appropriate and accurate advice to the President of the Philippines and other government agencies on space-related issues and concerns.
  • II. Improved Public Access and Resource-Sharing
    • (a) Develop, construct, acquire, manage, maintain and operate space research, development and operation facilities and systems on behalf of the Philippine Government for use of various government agencies and other stakeholders; and
    • (b) Assist departments and other agencies of the State, as well as the private sector, in the utilization of SSTA and data/information to aid in the performance of their respective mandates and duties.
  • III. Research and Development (R&D)
    • (a) Perform basic and applied R&D relating to SSTA in collaboration with universities, industries and other institutions;
    • (b) Design, develop and construct space systems and facilities necessary thereof, as well as launch, track and operate the satellites on behalf of the Philippine Government; and
    • (c) Promote the growth of space S&T through R&D.
  • IV. Education and Capacity Building
    • (a) Establish programs that would develop space education and promote public awareness;
    • (b) Provide grants and contributions in support of programs or projects relating to scientific or industrial space R&D and application of space technology; and
    • (c) Provide services and facilities for the use by entities conducting academic R&D relating to SSTA.
  • V. Industry Development
    • (a) Promote the development of a robust and vibrant local space industry and economy;
    • (b) Promote the transfer and diffusion of space technology throughout the Philippine industry;
    • (c) Encourage the commercial exploitation of space capabilities, technology, information, facilities and systems;
    • (d) License, sell or otherwise make available any patent, copyright, industrial design, trademark, trade secret or other like property controlled; and
    • (e) Disseminate the results of R&D activities and promote the utilization thereof, except when information is deemed confidential for national welfare and security and for the protection of intellectual property rights.
  • VI. International Cooperation
    • (a) Cooperate with space-related agencies of other countries in the peaceful use and development of space;
    • (b) Maintain a national registry of space objects in accordance with the United Nations Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space and other international guidelines;
    • (c) Enter into contracts, memoranda of understanding/ agreement or other arrangements in behalf of the State, in consultation with the Department of Foreign Affairs and/or other concerned agencies;
    • (d) Establish and maintain linkages with other national space agencies and organizations; and
    • (e) Represent the Philippines in the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space and other similar space-related forums, assemblies and organizations.

Our Vision

The PhilSA envisions a Filipino nation bridged, uplifted, and empowered through the peaceful uses of outer space.

Our Mission

We will promote and sustain a robust Philippine space ecosystem that adds and creates value in space for and from Filipinos and for the world.