Philippine Standard Time

Friday 14th of February 2025

Towards Nationwide Mapping of Seagrasses in the Philippines: Empowering Students through Remote Sensing Education

This study developed a satellite-based methodology for nationwide seagrass mapping using Sentinel-2 imagery and trained students in remote sensing techniques to support the BlueCARES Project Initiative. Preprocessing steps included land masking, water column correction, and shallow water bathymetry extraction. Classification using support vector machine and random forest achieved accuracies of 70–90%, validated against existing maps. By combining technical training with student involvement, the project highlights remote sensing’s potential for large-scale mapping and the importance of youth engagement in marine conservation.

This paper is part of the ISPRS TC V Mid-term Symposium “Insight to Foresight via Geospatial Technologies” on 06-08 August 2024 in Manila, Philippines.


Appropriate citation:

Tamondong, A., Blanco, A., Martinez, K., Candido, C., and Nadaoka, K.: Towards Nationwide Mapping of Seagrasses in the Philippines: Empowering Students through Remote Sensing Education, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., X-5-2024, 205–211,, 2024.