Fulbright Philippines, in partnership with the Philippine Space Agency (PhilSA), is offering an international scholarship for Filipino graduate students, early career professionals, or practitioners working in space science and technology applications (SSTA), space law and policy, and other space-related fields. 

This international scholarship, the Fulbright-PhilSA Foreign Student Program in SSTA, is meant for those aiming to pursue master’s or doctoral studies in universities and appropriate institutions in the United States for admission to the 2026-2027 academic year.  

This scholarship offers funding for the following priority areas:   

  1. Space applications employing space-based systems, related infrastructure, and techniques for Earth observation; meteorology; positioning, navigation, and timing; and telecommunications and connectivity that address the Key Development Areas (KDA) of the Philippine Space Policy in SSTA, particularly for hazard management, and climate studies and national security, and socio-economic development
  2. Innovation and advancements in spacecraft systems development, engineering, and robotics, particularly focusing on satellite development, control, and operations; spacecraft design and engineering; payload system development; rocketry; instrumentation and signal processing; sensors, actuators, and communication networks; space debris mitigation and removal; machine vision and machine learning; and cybersecurity for space-based systems  
  3. Space science and multidisciplinary studies that contribute to new knowledge creation and capability development in space exploration, space environment utilization, and space situational awareness. Examples include space physics, planetary science, space biology and biotechnology, space medicine and drug discovery, space food and nutrition, materials for space, space analogs, and STEM education  
  4. Space law, economics, and administration, which enhance capacity in the country in policy formulation and implementation, management and trade, business development, and research support and administration related to space activities 

The Fulbright-PhilSA award will cover tuition and fees, international roundtrip airfare, monthly maintenance allowance, settling-in allowance, books and supplies allowance, in-transit allowance, allowable excess baggage, and health and accident insurance. No dependent support will be provided. 

Application Deadline: 18 April 2025 


  1. Philippine citizenship and is residing in the Philippines at the time of application and selection process*;  
  2. College degree with major in field of specialization; excellent undergraduate record;  
  3. Must have a research objective aligned with the Key Development Areas of PhilSA;  
  4. Proficiency in English appropriate to the proposed studies to be carried out in the United States;  
  5. Must be in good health to pursue research work in the United States;  
  6. Applicants must be committed to returning to the Philippines and render service of obligation immediately upon completion of the degree program; and  
  7. No pending administrative/criminal charges and must not have been convicted for violation of any Philippine Law.  

*Individuals holding dual citizenships, are permanent residents, or currently living in the United States are not eligible to apply; Individuals who are presently in the U.S. for the purpose of studying, teaching, conducting research, and working and or who have received a Fulbright grant within the past five (5) years are ineligible; Those who have been to the U.S. as a J-1 Exchange Visitor in the category of Professor or Research Scholar within the past two (2) years are also ineligible. 

Preferences will be given to the qualified applicants who have not had recent and substantial experience in the United States. Grants are not for the principal purpose of attending conferences. 

Application Process  

Complete the online application at  https://apply.iie.org/ffsp2026  

Upload the following documents to the application portal:    

Learn more and apply here: https://www.fulbright.org.ph/index.php/services/10-scholarship-programs/296-fulbright-philsa-foreign-student-program  

This collaboration is under the PhilSA Scholarships and Fellowships Program (SFP), which aims to develop a sustainable pool of space scientists, engineers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, communicators, and other professionals constituting a robust domestic space ecosystem. 

For inquiries, please contact: scholarships@philsa.gov.ph or +632 8568 99 31 and/or Philippine-American Educational Foundation (PAEF) at fulbright@fulbright.org.ph with the email subject: ATTN: Fulbright-PhilSA Foreign Student Program 2026 – 2027.