Philippine Standard Time

Friday 14th of February 2025

Surface Urban Heat Islands and Related Health Risk in the Philippines: A Geospatial Assessment using MODIS Data

The study assessed the heat-health risk of the Philippines during 2020 using the MODIS derived Urban Heat Island (UHI) and gridded population data. The study found out that the urban areas experienced more intense heat than the rural areas. It also revealed that the UHI is more intense during March, April and Month or hot dry season. People living in Metro Manila are more exposed and vulnerable to the heat risk. Poverty is one reason that puts people exposed and vulnerable to the heat risk. The output of this study can aid decision-makers especially the urban planners.


Appropriate citation:

Vergara, D. C. D. M. and Blanco, A. C.: SURFACE URBAN HEAT ISLANDS AND RELATED HEALTH RISK IN THE PHILIPPINES: A GEOSPATIAL ASSESSMENT USING MODIS DATA, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-4/W6-2022, 451–456,, 2023.